Stanisław Grygiel

Stanisław Grygiel (1934-2023) was Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Anthropology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Rome. From 2004 to 2022 he was Director of the Karol Wojtyła Chair at the same Institute. Born in Poland, in the 1960s he pursued his doctorate in philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin under the direction of Karol Wojtyła. In the years 1963-1980 he was director of the monthly magazine Znak in Krakow, and from 1970 to 1980 he was professor of philosophy at the Pontifical Theological Academy in Krakow. He co-founded the quarterly magazine Il Nuovo Areopago, of which he was editor-in-chief until 2002. He lived in Rome since 1980.