José Noriega

José Noriega has taught Special Moral Theology for 18 years, from 2002-2019, as Full Professor at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute. He currently teaches Fundamental Moral Theology at the St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, CO. Among his publications: Gli enigmi del piacere: cibo, desiderio e sessualità [The Enigmas of Pleasure: Food, Desire and Sexuality] (2014); Il destino dell’eros [The Destiny of Eros. Perspectives of Sexual Morality] (2006). With L. Melina and J.J. Pérez-Soba, Camminare nella luce dell’amore. I fondamenti della morale cristiana [Walking in the Light of Love. The Foundations of Christian Morality] (2008). With R. & I. Ecochard, he edited Dizionario su sesso, amore e fecondità [Dictionary on Sex, Love; and Fruitfulness] (2019).